“I have a duty to speak the truth as I see it and share not just my triumphs, not just the things that felt good, but the pain. The intense, often unmitigated pain. It is important to share how I know survival is survival and not just a walk through the rain.” – Audre Lorde
The purpose of “A Brave Space,” is to create a safe and open place for all students to openly and respectfully voice their concerns, their beliefs, and their solutions to issues occurring in our school community and expanding outwards. These are peer-to-peer conversations, led by the OEI Student Senate.
These events have been an immersive experience and guided conversation to shift our focus to pressing issues students have in our school community and beyond. Most recently, we have even turned to our Ignatian practice, the Examen to fully search inward. Whether we are in-person or asynchronous, we want this space to be a place where anyone in our community can come to learn and understand the perspectives and experiences of others. We also want visitors to feel liberated so they communicate their own perspectives and experiences so as to gain a deeper appreciation for our community while developing how to become a human for and with others.
This forum will be a continual progression through a series of conversations throughout the year. All are welcome as long as you understand that the closer we are in solidarity with one another and with our communities as a whole, the closer we get to reaching complete authenticity and honesty with one another.