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Strategic Plan

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From the earliest conversations about developing a new strategic plan for Loyola High School of Los Angeles, our community recognized that it would be essential that the process be inclusive, courageous, and intentionally responsive to the signs of the times. As the project unfolded, this became all the more true, as you will see in the goals of the plan. It was in the dailiness of God’s providence in the midst of a pandemic that we came to understand the strategic priorities for the school community going forward.

More than 500 members of the community – students, parents, faculty, staff, administration, board members, and alumni – lent their voices, perspectives, and priorities to the plan. You will find a description of the process in the prelection that follows this greeting.

Though we encountered unanticipated delays, we stayed the course, and are excited to share Step by Step, Ours Is a Holy Boldness, Loyola’s 2022-2027 strategic plan. It is in the commitment to moving forward together that we find strength to work together as an Ignatian learning community to shape the future of Loyola High School.

Each of us plays an integral part in taking the next step in implementing the plan and making Loyola the best version of itself possible. Step by Step, Ours Is a Holy Boldness, will propel Loyola into the second quarter of the 21st century, practicing excellence with an ethic of care; staying true to our Jesuit heritage and Ignatian roots, while embracing opportunities for growth and development.

We are deeply grateful for the many hours of work that have gone into creating this plan and we look forward to working together as a community to bring the initiatives of the plan to fruition…Step by step, with holy boldness.


Rev. Gregory M. Goethals, SJ ’73

Loyola High School of Los Angeles

Mr. Robert Foster

Chair, Board of Directors
Loyola High School of Los Angeles

“We are constantly driven to discover, redefine, and reach out for the magis. For us, frontiers and boundaries are not obstacles or ends, but new challenges to be faced, new opportunities to be welcomed. Indeed, ours is a holy boldness…typical of our way of proceeding.”

General Congregation 34, Decree 27

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Ann Holmquist
Vice President for Mission


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