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Class Pillar Gift

You are the mainstay, the leaders of Loyola. You are the pillars that shore up our school. Join your class in sponsoring a Caruso Hall pillar and literally, support our new building. With the loggia as a backdrop, the seven principal pillars regally face the reimagined and stunning Hayden Circle.

Here’s how it works. In lieu of your reunion class gift, consider a three-year pledge of $1500 or more to Loyola in monthly or yearly installments or a one-time gift. And, if you’d prefer, instead of giving a cash gift, you can often times decrease your tax burden and fund your class pillar gift by using Appreciated Stock or your IRA.

Once we reach $100,000 in total pledges, your graduation year will be carved on your very own, specially dedicated Caruso Hall pillar.

Be part of the new gateway to the western part of our campus and help your class cross the finish line.


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