Teen Substance Abuse Prevention - Parent Night (Zoom)

Loyola will host two substance use prevention specialists from Pathways for Prevention to present to Loyola parents/guardians about teen substance use. The event is now on Zoom only on Tuesday, February 6, 2024, at 6:00 p.m.

You can find the zoom link here and on the school calendar: https://loyolahs.zoom.us/j/84216489202

Trusted adults play a crucial role in substance misuse prevention in young peoples’ lives. They provide support, guidance, and information to young people that help them make informed decisions about alcohol, nicotine, and other drug use. Pathways for Prevention will share some ways in which trusted adults can help prevent substance misuse. Our presenters, Eduardo Torres and Tim Ryan, have extensive experience visiting schools and providing programming around substance use prevention.

Thank you for your interest and support, we look forward to seeing you on the Zoom on February 6th. If you have any questions please contact Student Wellness Coordinator Dr. Natasha Hamlin at nhamlin@loyolahs.edu.