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Summer: Introduction to Advanced Placement World History

Department: Social Science
Open to: 10th grade
Period: 3 or 4
Length: 5 weeks– Classes begin on June 19th and meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays only.
Tuition: $325

This course will help students gain a head start in learning the skills needed for success in the AP World History course. This is a hybrid online/traditional class. Students will begin to develop the skills necessary to succeed in the AP environment, and ultimately on the AP Exam which is administered each May.  The course will focus on learning to think critically, form original arguments, write historical essays, analyze primary source documents, and identify evidence. The purpose of the class is to provide incoming sophomores who are enrolled in APWH, help with the transition into the college level challenges of the Advanced Placement classroom and curriculum. While emphasis will be on skill development, the course will use content and resources recommended by the College Board. Classes begin on June 19th and meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays only.

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